Saturday, November 26, 2005
Wah haha! I'm finally back everyone! Phew these past 6 days have really been busy. Oh well enough of the introductions, lets get on to what happened!
On Monday, Creative meeting was at 7.00am. On the same day, there was a Farewell meeting at 11.00am to brief us about the rehearsal which we were having on the same day. And the banner painting was a huge success! Oh well we faced some difficulty in opening this can of red paint that was put in the storage for a really long time, but other than that things went quite smoothly. Even the pink colour which we mixed using the red paint plus white paint looked really nice on the banner. And we managed to finish the whole banner within one day! And one different thing we did today was to have a mass Macdonald session while we were having meeting haha. Everyone was just so busy with lots of stuff.
As for our rehearsal, it was quite standard for us to follow the protocol of the day, and we each clarified some problems which we spotted as well as work on our "segments" and their procedures. And this time round, I didnt go out to have dinner with the councillors cause I had to go home early to pack up and prepare my stuff for council retreat which was on the next day. On the same night, I wanted to discuss with the other guys what stuff we needed to bring for council retreat, and waited since 10.00pm for anyone of them to come online. In the end they only came online at around near 12.00+ am, and by then I had already packed most of my bag and felt damn sleepy.
On Tuesday morning, our initial Aesthetico meeting was cancelled, but we had an Aesthetico lunch instead scheduled at 12.00pm at White Sands. It was quite a rainy morning, so quite a few people came late, and in the end our Aesthetico was Macdonalds again haha. Man, we eat Macdonalds like almost everyday... For me, I met up with Vanessa first and we took bus 81 at Serangoon MRT interchange all the way to White Sands. And then we first met Wei Jun there. The 3 of us then went to meet up with the Farewell Ad Hoc people which were already at the 2nd floor of the Macs there. At Macs, we had our lunch and waited for everyone to reach White Sands. The whole group of us hanged around White Sands until around 3.00+pm before everyone had gathered already, and the bus came and fetched us directly to the Aloha Loyang entrance.
There, we met the rest of the people there who had gone earlier to do stocktaking and stuff. We stayed at Bungalow 12 "Laughing Thrush". After spending time exploring the facilities in the bungalow, the few of us guys went into hyper mode and setted up the PS2 which Jinfa brought in a instant haha. But before any of us could proceed with our games and stuff, the teachers mentioned that we should select and organise the rooms which we were about to sleep in. After setting up our sleeping quarters, everyone started playing games like cards, mahjong and PS2 haha. Hey man, what else do you usually play at a chalet? Haha. After a while of games, we then had a session of "Reflections" with our respective committee teachers. Well, I believe it was really enlightening for all of us. For my committee, even though our head Candice was absent, she had written quite a detailed note for all of us, and Wei Jun read it out during the meeting. It was really interesting that it really felt that she was there with us at the meeting haha. And after the meeting we called her to send our last regards before she went to Australia for holiday. :) We missed you Candice!
After our reflections, everyone went back to games and stuff, the chalet is meant for us to relax after all. Eventually, dinner came, and it was a mixture of catering as well as bbq food. So everyone stopped their games and went to prepare and have dinner. The first casualty of the day was Choy, cause he burnt his fingers when the fire got too big when he was preparing the bbq. The rest of us all felt bad that he had gotten injured and so went to help out with the bbq in shifts. One group would do the bbq, and the other would eat first, then each group would switch roles later. Well, it was quite a fun dinner, despite our large intake of carbon in some of the foods haha.
Eventually in the evening, the councillors teachers had another activity for us. Each of us had to stand in a row outside the bungalow and then everyone would then become blindfolded. We were then lead to a different location where we had to do another 2nd activity. Our second activity was that while everyone was blindfolded, we had to pick up strings from 3 hula hoops which were on the floor, and then form an equilateral triangle. It was a quite interesting activity, and we learnt a lot of useful lessons such as how communication is important, and at times when people notice the blindspots of others, they should be more willing to express their views.
After that, each committee had to play the "Helium hoop" game, and again this game emphasised on how teamwork is important, as well as how at times, we should not blame others cause situations can occur whereby everyone can be responsible for what happened.
After our night activities, everyone went back to the chalet to carry on with our games. Some of the councillors went to learn roller blading, and it turned out to be quite a fun activity. Some of us also just went to take a walk around the chalet area and to the beach nearby just to discuss about anything. And some of us had stayed up till 3.30am just to watch soccer haha. As for me, I slept right after the match started cause I couldnt take it anymore haha. Well, some of the guys just decided to sleep in the living room cause we felt our rooms didnt have enough place for everyone to sleep in anyways.
Come the following Wednesday morning, after waking up and washing up, the first thing I did was to play X-Men Legends 2: Rise of the Apocalypse on the PS2 haha. It was quite interesting cause everyone in the living room was watching, and its quite fun when its 2 players haha. Spending time playing the game with your friends watching just seems so different from playing the game alone haha. After reaching around 10.00+ am, we had another council activity, which was to go to the beach and build sandcastles! Haha it may seem very childish at first, but wait till you see our pictures. This was an opportunity for us to spend quality time with each other, as well as to distress. Our task was to build a sandcastle anyway as we like, and after it was complete we had to give a brief introduction on what we had built. So check out the pictures at the end of my post! Haha.
After our sandcastle building session, the remaining time was left free for us to go outside to eat, or to stay in the chalet. And so, quite a few of us decided to go out to Tampines to have lunch as well as buy our Harry Potter movie tickets for the evening. After our lunch, the whole gang went to play pool, and we had quite a lot of fun. And we also realised how pro Jonathan's pool skills were haha. The guys were all thrashed until not a single one of us was left. After the pool session, we all went back to the chalet to meet up with the others who were going to go watch the movie togther with us. We then left from the chalet back to Tampines to watch our Harry Potter movie. It was good on the overall, but some scenes seemed quite weird to me. And supposedly some scenes were quite boring cause some of us were all falling asleep halfway through haha. After our movie, we met up with the remaining "K Box" group of councillors who were waiting for us to finish, and we all went back to the chalet together for a well earned rest. The weird thing was that I had difficulty sleeping in the guys room cause it was really really cold, and I couldnt stand it and ended up sleeping in the living room by myself haha. I only managed to sleep at 5.00am, after many rounds of sleeping and awaking cause of the cold.
On Thursday morning, I was woken up at 7.20am cause I had locked the sliding doors of the living room, and the others needed to enter in order to prepare breakfast haha. Anyways, most of us had our breakfast quickly and then left the chalet at around 8.00am. I reached home at around 9.30am, then had to wash and change up before going back to school again by 11.00am for Creative meeting. The few of us wore our new council shrit which was BRIGHT neon green haha. Everyone is gonna see it at Farewell. For lunch, we had nasi lemak. For the rest of the day, we went through the full dress rehearsals for the whole event, and at the end of the day had a lot of clarifications with what procedures went wrong with our rehearsal. Well, we have more rehearsals this coming week on Monday and Tuesday. Farewell is on Wednesday by the way haha. For dinner, the few of us went to the S11 at J8 and I realised that our shirts could be seen from a mile away haha. Its that outstanding. :P
On Friday, Creative committee had another meeting at 8.30am, and the council had to move chairs to the hall for Farewell at 11.00am and start our dance session at 1.30pm to learn our new 28th dance. For me, I had planned to go running in the morning with a few other councillors, but it was raining in the morning, and most of them had woken up late. So in the end me and Jeannette who had met earlier at around 7.00am+ had no choice but to go to the Council Room first and slack. Well, I taught Jeannette how to play "Big Two", and now we have an extra player at council haha. At 8.30am, I went to the SL to have my creative meeting, and it lasted until the afternoon when everyone had to go and carry chairs for logistics. And breakfast was Macs yet again. The moving of the chairs took quite a while, and so we went for lunch at the hawker centre opposite Zhong Hua Sec at 1.00am. Our dance session only started at around 2.30pm. The dance session was quite successful, cause most of us managed to learn the complete dance already haha. We were so enthusiastic that we also danced some of the other previous dances we knew after learning finish our new dance. Dancing was a really great exercise haha. I want to dance the 28th dance again! Haha. For dinner, we all went to Toa Payoh, and some of us visited Choy's brother's home haha. We all went home quite early this night at around 8.30pm+ haha.
Today, me, Cun Zheng, Wei Jun and Jinfa went to Jurong East at 10.00am cause some of us needed to visit Creative to fix our Zen Micros. Our trip there was quite fruitful, cause Wei Jun and I both manged to get our Zen Micros replaced with new ones haha. After visiting Creative, the 4 of us went to Orchard and on the way we met up with Swee Wei and Junyi. At Orchard road MRT, we met Liyana and Bee Fong there. And later on, Vanessa and Jonathan came to join us too. :) Today, Jinfa had some incident with missing his handphone haha. But luckily, he managed to get it back, so dont worry everyone. Well, today we went shopping at quite a lot of places at Orchard road. For example Wisma Atria, Takashimaya, Far East Plaza, Cineleisure etc. Well we did quite a lot of walking today, and it was a fun outing. My legs are dead tired now haha. And we bought something interesting that we can put in our Council Room to help people dis-stress haha. Check it out on Monday everyone!
Pictures Time! Haha.
Mrs Ho's Farewell Banner!
Aesthetico at Council Retreat!
We wished you were there Candice!!!
Our leisure activities haha.
Spending quality time together.

Sandcastle 1!
It has towers and icons representing our four committees haha.

Sandcastle 2!
The twin towers of Madonna haha.
Sandcastle 3! By my group!
Minas Tirith Sand style!
The 28th Student Council
A funny picture I took.Nice eyebrow there Swee Wei!
Our Bungalow
Bungalow View 2
Yes, four guys on a bed just doesnt fit haha.
Sergeant Huang reporting for duty!
Mrs Ho Farewell Henderson Segment Skitters!! Stay tuned for my next update!
PS:Thanks to everyone who has read through my long post...haha
Zhiming @ 9:49 PM.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Yo everyone! Its time for another update! Haha, if you're reading this, expect another long entry haha. Well quite a few people have been feedbacking to me that my entries are REALLY long, but I figured it will stay that way haha. I just like putting detailed entries so that when I reminiscence about stuff I will be able to remember everything haha. I wonder if any of you feel the same way? And now, back to the usual updates.
If any of you have read finish my previous blog entry, you would know that this week was quite a busy week for me haha.
On Wednesday, Mrs Ho's farewell audition for performers went quite well, despite some disputes and problems (such as getting locked in LT4 haha), everything went quite smoothly. And being a part of the backstage crew, I learnt a lesson that if you are hosting a show, even if the backstage crew is facing problems or is very hectic, the show must go on.And the backstage crew must not show to the audience that they are disorganised, even if they are. Its is all for the sake of making the performance go smoothly.
On Thursday, I finally went to learn the new revamped 28th SC dance. Its quite interesting and has a lot of variations. I had fun and quite a good workout after learning the dance, so I expect it to be a success when we teach it during O1 :) As for the General Meeting we had, we wrapped up our kettling dates, and Jinfa "forced" everyone to complete their NYAA so that they can hand it up on Monday, tomorrow. Haiz, I handed up my NYAA bronze last year but didnt recieve the certificate, and so my NYAA status is unconfirmed. Looks like I have to make a trip to the headquarters. As for Farewell, we went through and reconfirmed all the "segment" procedures. And tomorrow will be a rehearsal for councillors from 2.30pm-6pm.
On Thursday night, the gang which included me, Swee Wei, Cun Zheng, Joshua, Eric, Kai Jian and Merrick, Wei Jun, Bee Fong and Sandar went to Tampines to have dinner haha. It was quite a dinner outing cause we had a weird encounter on the long bus ride there. And at the food junction, more than half of us supported the same food stall haha. And since there wasnt enough space, I had to sit in the space between 2 benches haha. Man it must have been weird for people to see me sit that way. Well, if we added another chair there wouldnt be enough space for the 2 people sitting at the end to eat haha.
After dinner, we went to StarBucks while the girls went elsewhere to do some shopping. Along the way, Joshua saw Mrs Cindy Tay with her daughter, and so the 2 of us said hi to her. After our break at StarBucks, we finally went home. Well to cut my entry short I wont mention all the details haha. When I finally reached home at 11pm, I washed up and then played a round of DOTA with my class guys haha. Nowadays, its been a routine for us to DOTA late at night haha. Luckily we still manage to endure through school haha.
On Friday, after lecture lessons, me and my other councillors went out to J8 for lunch. I'm going out with them really a lot nowadays haha. In fact, I see them everyday. And I see my classmates only on weekdays haha. Even after hols started, I am still seeing the other councillors everyday :P Oh well, council is like that. At J8, we were feeling rich enough to go for Teppanyaki, cause the other places we went to either had no space, or we were bored of eating the same things again. Our group included Joshua, Jinfa, Candice, Cleo, Audrey, Me, Cun Zheng, Swee Wei, Winnie, and her friend Felicia.
And after lunch, the Aestheticians had a Aesthetico meeting at 1.20pm so we had to rush back to school. And grr I learnt the importance of always remembering to bring your Ez Link card along. At our meeting, Ms Tang was quite in a rush cause she had other things to do, but during the meeting we had reflections of what events we had gone through during this year, as well as what events we have to take up next year. After the meeting ended, me and Vanessa went to shop for the banner logistics we needed for the farewell banner. At night, I had another DOTA session again till around 1.00am+
On Saturday, it was yet another long day. Cause its Sentosa Scouting No.3!!! In the morning, Hui Min and Peiyee were setting off to China for enrichment programme, and so the we of us arranged to meet at Changi Airport at 6.30am to send them off. Luckily, my mom could fetch me there, so I woke up at 5.30am. Some of the others woke up at 4.00am :P At the airport, the whole O1 games committee (Jinfa, Swee Wei, Candice, Choy and me) and Cun Zheng, Joshua, Wei Jun, Junyi and Eric went to sent them off. After sending them off, we had our breakfast at Burger King, and then headed off for Sentosa. Junyi and Eric were occupied with other things so they didnt join us for Sentosa.
When we reached Habour Front MRT, the group of us met up with Merrick, Wei Fang, Nadz, Sandar, Yoga and Johnathan. And then we went to Sentosa to meet up with Miss Chiew and Mr Tony Lim. For our whole trip, we started off at the Ferry Terminal at 10.20am and reached our last destination at around 12.20pm.
In order, we started from the GAC (Group Arrival Centre) and went to:
Ferry Terminal
Steword's Riverboat
Burger King building
Bicycle Kiosk
Lost Civilisation
Arid Garden
Fountain Garden
Encanted Grove Of Tembusu
Musical Fountain
Imbiah Lookout (Images of Singapore, Sentosa Luge)
Dragon Trail
Underwater World + Fort Siloso area
Siloso beach
Quite a lot of areas eh? The games committe has about confirmed what places we wish to put our stations at, and we also took in considerations the movement times and wet weather shelters. So the "Sentosa" proposal should be about completed with this trip.
After our debrief, we all went to Habour Front centre to have lunch, and then the remaining of us returned to NYJC for our friendly soccer match with the 26th SC guys. They included Joshua, Cun Zheng, Merrick, Jinfa, Yoga, Wei Jun, Candice and lastly me. Simin also came down to joined us as well to support us, I really appreciated that :) In the end, we played at the parade square and used chairs as goal posts cause other people were using the goal posts at the basketball courts. It was a 6v6 match with all the guys playing except for Jinfa cause he had to rush the games proposal. It was a really comical yet exciting and fun match, but sadly I had to leave after the first half cause I had to go for my family dinner. I then found out that our 28th team won! Great job guys! Haha, I wished I was there to share the joy with you guys. Well I hear that after the soccer, everyone went our to eat dinner togther, so I bet the soccer game turned out to be quite successful for promoting interaction between the 26th and the 28th.
For my family dinner, I went to Vienna at United Square to eat dinner to celebrate my Mom's B day which is tomorrow. Its quite expensive at $38+ per adult, but I had quite a heavy dinner, and I left the place with quite a bloated stomach. There's quite a lot of different kinds of foods offered there, but certain of the foods there arent up to standard. There's teppanyaki, seafood, sushi, cocktails, steamed foods, cakes, icecream, sharks fin soup, spagetti, crabmeat beehoon, and quite a lot of other foods. As for the service, the empty plates and cups etc are cleared quite quickly. The waiters and waitresses always seem so busy. And they even greet you at the door when you first enter. And something more perculiar was that they serve fruit juices in test tubes hm... On the overall, it was quite a good experience.
And at night, another DOTA session! Man it feels weird when you play DOTA and get owned by your brothers haha.
And as for today, I slept like a log in order to recuperate from having such a busy week. And my cousin who has stayed over for a night, seems to now have a greater understanding of DOTA after watching me get owned last night haha. And I spent some time playing Gundam Seed Never Ending Tomorrow on PS2 and yet another round of DOTA with my class guys and Swee Wei.
And now, I'm blogging and perhaps waiting for another DOTA match.
Tomorrow, I will have to go to school for banner painting and have a rehearsal for the mrs Ho's Farewell. And tuesday and wednesday will be Council Retreat! Which means even longer entries coming up lol...
And time for some pictures again:

On the bus to Tampines

On the MRT back to NYJC

Man, I look as if I am wearing a swimming cap

Vienna at United Square

One of the fruit cube drinks thingy. Nope, that's not alcohol haha.

Me and my Eldest Bro Zhichao

My 2 elder brothers, Zhichao and Zhilong. Dont they look alike?

My Mom and Dad, the best parents I could ever have :)

Ripple ice cream, my choice of dessert

My mom and I, and what a way to enjoy ice cream....haha
Stay tuned for my next updates!
Zhiming @ 6:24 PM.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Yo yo! Finally another update everyone! Hehe.. Oh well, These few days has been a blast sia. On Saturday, I went for another Sentosa outing, and this time we had lots of fun! Cause this time, it really was a outing rather than Student Council business haha.
Well, in the morning, it was actually quite weird. My mom woke me up at 6.30am cause our initial plans were to meet at Habour Front at 8.00am and have breakfast at Mac's. But, it had to rain in the morning, and so after some consideration, Candice decided to change the meeting to 10.00am instead, cause we had to wait for the rain to stop. Oh well, what else could I do other than sleep? And I was quite tired the night before cause I had spent a whole day going to school and then to JB in the evening haha. Eventually, my Mom woke me up and drove me to Serangoon MRT station. I reached the MRT at around 9.30am, and sadly saw the MRT train leave right when I was walking down the stairs. :P But then again, missing the train wasn't really a bad thing after all, cause I met Cun Zheng and we took the next train together.
When we reached Habour Front eventually, we saw Jinfa, Wei Jun and Swee Wei waiting there for us already. And later on Candice reached and joined us. We then went to Mac's first, and later on Hui Min and Bee Fong joined us.
And thus we started our 2nd Sentosa trip together. The first place we had to go to was the "Ranger Station", cause Jinfa was scouting to see if the place was suitable to hold our council camp there. But it seems that the "rent" is quite costly when you think about it. After we scouted the place enough, we finally proceeded to the beach. But the bad thing was that the shortcut we took was a soccer field, and because it had rained earlier on, the field had "mud traps" all over haha. seems as if everytime we go Sentosa we are bound to get our feet dirty in one way or another.
Well at the beach, we all finally went to get some sun tan. The sun was hot and scorching, and maybe we were actually lucky that there was rain in the morning, so there were lesser clouds. We had lots of fun at the beach, but one thing we regretted was that we forgot to bring either a ball or a frisbee haha. So we really went there just to sun tan haha.At the beach, we tried out some of the beach games that we thought of for the Sentosa games, and found out that some of them were easier to complete than expected, so we had to do some changes to my games again. The game we tried out was to bury a person in sand and see how long it took for him to get out by himself. Apparently its very easy. We took like 10mins+ to bury one person, and it takes less than 10 seconds to come out of all that sand haha. And we didnt want Sentosa's beach to become full of piles of sand and holes everywhere haha. And at the beach we saw 2 other girls who were from NYJC. One if them is Audrey Soh, Wei Jun's friend. Well I'm still convinced that Singapore is really small. Oh yah and at the beach there was this "Oily Couple" haha. And something interesting we saw was that one of the Sentosa lifeguards managed to see and catch a crab from the water. Hey, that's some eyesight there sia, and he was wearing sunglasses? And yeah he also warned us to be careful of stepping on stonefish and other stuff when we were walking in the shallow waters.
After we had enough sun tan, well I guess most of you all know how sunburnt I am, we then went to bathe up and then went to PS at Dhoby Gaut to have dinner as well as watch "The Exorcism Of Emily Rose". And I must say, girls can take quite some time to bathe up. Me and the other guys were waiting for so long at the bus stop near the toilet, that I was wondering if the girls had finished faster than us and went elsewhere to wait for us haha. Oh well I guess its natural for guys to wait for girls, as long as the guys are ok with it.
At PS, we booked the 6.30pm show and then went for dinner at the food court there. And yes, we saw again people who were from NYJC there haha. After our dinner, it was a bit rush for us cuase there was quite a long queue lining up for buying pop corn and stuff, and we only realised after reaching the counter that the special coupons we recieved for popcorn combos were only viable for January. That meant less drinks for everyone. Oh well, in the end we had enough share for everyone. For the movie, I feel that it was quite ok, but it wasnt really that scary than I expected. Somehow for some scenes, just when you expect some scary thing to happen, the movie changes to a new scene. So sometimes it felt "anti-climax" for me. But its a good movie on the overall. And what's interesting is that you get to know more about some "facts" on devils on stuff. This may be a spoiler, but Emily Rose was possessed by 6 demons, and the part where they sort of manifested themselves in Emily Rose, and used ancient language to speak to the priest rocked. It sounds like some magic incantation haha. 1,2,3,4,5,6! And it's only after the movie that I found out 6 is the number for Satan hm... Oh well, its quite funny when you watch the movie together with everyone, cause people like Candice only managed to watch 1/4 of the movie haha. I guess you all can figure out why eh? Personally, I think I have watched too many horror movies like Resident Evil and Land Of The Dead etc... There are just so many "dead zombies and lots of killing" shows, that I think I am numb to some extent haha. Not completely though.
Yeah, and so after the movie, we finally went home for some good rest. And I heard some people couldnt sleep at night after that movie haha. Well for me I was more worried about my sunburn. Well I guess when you're tired nothing matters.
And for this week, it is yet another week of Council, council, council. I bet most of the guys in my class are starting to realise how busy I am nowadays haha. On Monday, after Maths lecture I had Creative meeting for Mrs Ho's farewell. After that, I went to the MPR with the other councillors and went there to learn the new 28th SC dance. Yes, it's in progress of being completed. Well of course, there's still some revamping to be done, but dont worry, revamping means adding new and more interesting steps haha, not changing everything.
And today, Tuesday, its Jinfa's Birthday! Oh well, I'll say it again. Happy Birthday Jinfa! Haha. Today at school, we had another SC meeting. Man, the only meal I had today was dinner haiz. But then again I'm used to it cause secondary school was mostly like that for me haha. I just like staying around in class and talking with friends or doing some other stuff.It was quite abrupt, but Miss Chiew arranged with us a meeting today, and we discussed about our Sentosa games and what the general idea was like. I'm reminded again today that we still have quite a lot of work to do for preparations haha.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, there's the audition for the performers for Mrs Ho's farewell.
On Thursday, there's General Meeting for SC
On Friday, I will have to go out to school to buy logistics.
Next Monday, I will have to come back to school to do the banner for Mrs Ho's farewell.
Hm....looks like going home late again I guess. Oh well, I'm lucky that my parents support me. Haiz, I'm having troubles with homework again bleah. Have a lot of stuff to catch up on during these holidays. I wish I had some ultimate energy pill or something lol. Oh well the best way of doing things is time management, which I feel I have a lot to work on. Cya all at school! Its all of my friends such as you all who make my day at school interesting. And I hope I dont get Anime withdrawal symptoms lol... Hm... I guess I'm feeling stress cause I ain't getting enough sleep these days haha. My fault.
New Photos:

Too bad I aint inside haha.
Didnt bother to get someone else to take for me.

Hm... Having "quite" long hair isn't so bad after all.
Maybe I should try a different hairstyle the next time I go to the barber :P
Zhiming @ 9:11 PM.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Sorry for the delay everyone! Haha it seems that I have problems updating my blog at night. Wonder what's going wrong with blogspot sia... Anyways, here's my update on what has happened this week.
Firstly, I wish to congratulate everyone on finally completing Project Work!!! I believe that we have had enough of countless brainstormings and frustrations over our project work. But of course, I believe that everyone of us would have learnt a useful lesson through this one whole PW cycle. NY 200 Rocks!!! Haha. Well, I hope that the ending of PW doesnt mean the ending of the interaction between you and your group members haha. Cause we are all friends to each other right?
Well, this week was yet again another busy week at school. My whole week was occupied with Oral Presentation preparations until Thursday, which was my OP date. Trust being the last group in the schedule list haha. Ok apparently many people I know seem to have been falling sick nowadays, so you all must remember to take care of yourselves ok? Some people might say, "OP is over, so you can finally fall sick." But hey man, who likes being sick huh? Well I hope that you people all get well k? There's still lessons next week haha. And after next week, holidays will finally start. Oh well, I already have my mentality that councillors dont really get to have a holiday haha. Our schedule is just so busy nowadays. :P Preparing 2 projects at once can be so hectic and confusing haha.
And just to mention, Cun Zheng's b day was on thursday! Haha we didnt really have a BIG celebration for him, but anyways the gang which included him, Choy, Jinfa, Candice, Wei Jun and me went to Chomp Chomp for a scrumptious dinner, after we had finished our games meeting at the SC room. After that, we took a walk to Coffee Bean, and the girls bought some drinks, and then I invited them to my house to take a break haha. It feels quite nice inviting friends over to my house, and entertaining them and have fun. Oh well I believe there is sure to be a second time. :) Come my house again eh?
And today, I went to school for yet again another council meeting. Today had quite a lot of meetings going on at the same time. O1 Ad Hoc meeting, Games Meeting, Programmes Meeting, Solico Meeting, man that's quite a lot of meetings. Atfer everything, I , Cun Zheng, Swee Wei, Jinfa, Kah Hui, Hui Min, Cleo and Huishan went to J8 for lunch. Somehow, NYJC now seems like my second home, and the council room is like my usual hangout. And council feels like a second family haha. Imagine going to the same place everyday and meeting the same people each time? Well at least I manage to have my share of fun and work in council haha.
And after going to J8 today, for those who knew, I went to JB and had quite a good meal of seafood there haha. And we went shopping for quite a lot of drinks and stuff. Now, I'm waiting to DOTA with my classmates haha. And tomorrow, another trip to Sentosa!!! Stay tuned for another long update!! Haha.
Zhiming @ 10:53 PM.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Woah, today was a really LONG and amazing day I had haha. Firstly, I wish to say sorry to my PW group members cause I missed out on the meeting that was organised today. Sorry people! I was fully occupied today with games meeting so I figured that there wasnt any point for me to attend the PW meeting when I already missed more than half of it already. And I couldn't leave the group when the games stuff was left unfinished for the day.
And so, I'll start mentioning what happened for me today.
Last night, I slept at 2.00am, and today I woke up at 6.30am cause our plan was to meet at Habour Front at 7.30am to eat breakfast together. When I reached Habour Front at around 7.26am, the first person I saw was Jinfa and he was sitting down at a side in the MRT station. I sat down and joined him, but within moments one of the MRT staff came to tell us that we were not allowed to sit down and wait for people. Thus, we stood up and waited at another part of the MRT station. And we were puzzled cause there was a sign saying loitering wasnt allowed. And wouldnt sitting down be following this rule? Well I guessed certain MRT stations have certain rules haha. Well a while later, Swee Wei reached and joined the 2 of us. And the 3 of us waited for Hui Min to join us before we went off for breakfast. She reached at around 7.45am.
The 4 of us proceeded to the nearby hawker centre and had our breakfast. Well I think I wont go into so detail the food we ate there haha. After we had finished our breakfast, we then went to meet up with Cun Zheng, Wei Jun, Bee Fong and Candice reached only later and were eating Macs at the Habour Front Centre. After all of our group was ready, we went to take the chartered bus to Sentosa. Well, we reached Sentosa at around 9.00am and started to get to work.
Our task today as game masters was to scout the area of Sentosa so that we could figure out and note down specifically which places were more suitable to set up games, and a rough estimate of how much time we took to move between station to station. And at the same time we managed to find out information about who to contact for hiring buses to Sentosa and the ferry timings etc. The game masters included Jinfa our head, Hui Min, Swee Wei, Candice, Choy and Me. Cun Zheng joined us cause he is from programmes committee, and Bee Fong and Wei Jun joined us to see if they could help out in any way.
From the main entrance, we walked to the ferry terminal and then saw the lost civilisation area where there were lots of stone totems and "ancient structures" haha. And from there we proceeded to the musical fountain, and were about to go to the Merlion when it started raining! And we had no choice but to hide under shelter. The best shelter nearby was the big building near the ferry terminal, and we had to run back to it through this "plant and leaf covered" shelter which was a temporary measure. Well, in the end we still had to run through the rain to get back to profer shelter. It was quite sad that because of the rain, we werent able to continue with our scouting properly, so we sat down at Burger King which was there in the building and discussed about our games which were school based.
Eventually, after the rain stopped we continued on and went to the Merlion, and then to the Dragon Trail. The worst part of our scouting was the Dragon Trail cause there was throughout sections of the trail where puddles of water had collected due to the rain, and it was really muddy and dirty. And it was worse cause most of us were wearing slippers or sandals....Well that's what you get when you try to walk through a forest path after it has just rained. The only lucky person in our group was Jinfa who wore shoes haha. After that enduring Dragon Trail, we finally reached the area near Siloso beach. And so we went to check out the area around Underwater World. Ok, I must admit that we were working and taking a look at the attractions there haha. We were admiring the pond were we saw a few really large turtles and fishes having a "mass breathing session" haha. During around this time, Choy finally came to join us cause he had Logistics meeting at school earlier on today so cant blame him haha. The few of us then went to check out Fort Siloso and found out that we couldnt use it as a checkpoint cause we had to buy tickets for entering the area.
We then carried on to Siloso beach. After walking quite a distance, we finally reached this chair lift station where we could pay $3 and travel all the way back to the area before the Dragon Trail where all the food places were located. I was unlucky cause we intended to take the chair lift, and when I took out my money my $1 coin dropped into a gap of the wooden platform. I could see it in the gap, but after trying quite a few times to take it out, I figured had no choice but to leave it alone there haha. Suay sia.
During this time, Jinfa started to feel unwell cause he was having stomach cramps. We then decided to cut short our scouting and we returned together to the mainland. Cun Zheng accompanied Jinfa to send him to the doctor while the rest of our group then went to Habour Centre again for lunch. We ate at Subway for lunch, and during our lunch Cun Zheng eventually came back to join us cause he sent Jinfa off in a cab already. After lunch Choy had to leave early cause he had other important matters to attend to. If you people didnt know, that was my first time eating at Subway! Haha... I bet I'll always remember it.
Our group then went to Plaza Singapura and Centre Point in Dhoby Gaut where we did a lot of window shopping and walking lol. I must say these 2 places are all about earrings and jewellery and stuff lol. And one comment I made was that big earrings to me are for "weight lifting" haha. I wonder why earrings need to be so big sia. Well that's my point of view. At Centre Point, we really had no idea where our next destination was to be, and we figured that after all that walking we should take a break at Coffee Bean or Starbucks. And so we walked along Orchard road in search of these 2 places, but eventually we sat down at Mac Cafe haha. Along the way of Orchard Road, there was a station set up where people were having a promotion of this F&N Blazt drink and free drinks of it were being given out to every passerby. We tried it out and it was quite ok. It's kind of like a mango taste soft drink. And there were like drink cans everywhere, oh well its quite typical for Singaporeans like us to go for free stuff haha.
When we sat at the Mac Cafe to take a break, the girls made a scary discovery that one of the fans above us had a dead butterfly stuck in the metal wire lid covering. What a bad way to die for a butterfly. And after we rested enough, we took a walk around the shopping centre there and we were stuck again about where to go haha. After another brainstorming session, we decided to go to Marina Square near City Hall to eat dinner at Han's. When we finally reached Han's, Cun Zheng had to leave cause he had a family function to go to. After finishing our dinner, we then went to Esplanade where we just sat down, admired the Singapore river and chatted about stuff haha. And we were convinced that Jinfa is a workaholic cause he called us halfway just to brief us again and allocate our work for games haha. The next to leave was Bee Fong cause she went to accompany her friend who was returning home, and soon after that the rest of us went home as well.
Even though I slept so little last night, I am amazed that I was able to endure through the whole day of walking and brainstorming and stuff haha. I thought that I would be dead tired halfway through, but I guess its because of the great ompany that kept me sustaining through all that haha. You rock people! Thank you all for such a great day. And I'm quite amazed again that I have enough energy to blog until this late even after such a busy day. I just feel energized and enthusiastic enough to do so haha. After today, I feel even more closer and bonded with everyone who I went out with today. Its these kind of things that make life interesting haha. Of course, fun is fun, but when work comes we still must learn to prioritise. I also learnt today that one of Hui Min's 100% successful technique to make people laugh, is when she sings "我从山中来,带着莲花草。" Well that's what she told me. Hm, I hope the lyrics are correct haha. And the guys who went for the today have suffered quite a number of "battle scars" lol. Luckily we are peaceful people haha. Oh well today was a funny and great day. I had a lot of laughs today too.
And here are some pictures taken from today:
Here's today's Sentosa Scout Team! Haha. Here we are going to the Musical Fountain.
Having our meeting at Burger King while waiting for the rain to stop.
Three out of the four pretty girls who were in our group today.
Sigh, I wished I had a picture of the four of them.
Sorry Hui Min!
Our view from the Esplanade at night.
Note: Wow, I spent 3hrs on this post haha.
I must say I'm quite glad of myself :)
Hope you all like it!
Zhiming @ 10:07 PM.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Hehe, another update of the day. Today's SC general meeting went quite smoothly today, and it appears that a lot of our doubts have been cleared already. Today, we also finally cleared up the SC storage room and transfered all our belongings from the SL to the SC room. Its quite sad that we wont be using the SL from next year onwards. Its one of the more suitable places in school to either relax, chat with friends or do work together haha. I'll be sure to miss it next year. But then again, I'm so happy that after the mass "spring cleaning" session we had today, the SC storage room looks more like a decent storage room now rather than like a dump site haha. And our Aesthetico cupboard just looks so neat and special haha. Amazingly enough, I think our committee has the only cupboard with "special furnishing". Oh well it seems Aesthetico just likes to be creative. :) I'll take a photo and post it up someday haha.
Today in the afternoon, I went out for lunch at J8 with Cun Zheng, Swee Wei, Merrick, Candice, Wei Jun, Jun Yi and Simin. Yes, you heard it, J8 again. If you noticed my previous post, I went there on wednesday already haha. This time round though, it wasn't Kopitiam but Pastamania instead. After eating out so many times this week, I have noticed that I have been spending quite a lot of money haha. Eating out can be so expensive sia.
For tomorrow, I'll be going to Sentosa with the other councillors to do scouting of the area cause we are considering to have games in Sentosa for O1. The proposal isn't confirmed yet, but we still have to do our homework first, so here we are going to Sentosa tomorrow. At the same time, I have my PW group meeting tomorrow, so I guess I'll have to be quite rush tomorrow. Lets see how things go for tomorrow.
Oh yeah, I promised to update a few more pictures on my outing to Pasir Ris, so here they are. Its just a few random pictures though haha.

My Uncle's Dog, after he just had a swim in the sea.
Its really convenient when you have a big car that can carry bicycles inside of it haha. Makes your day at the park so much easier, and that's what I call convenient.
Zhiming @ 9:31 PM.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Haha, sorry for any late updates on my blog people. Anyways, I missed an entry yesterday cause I accidentally deleted my entry when I was blogging in the school library haha. So now's my update on what happened for me during these past 2 days. Yesterday, I was at school yet again because of SC work haha. I was helping Cun Zheng out to do the "Just Retired" signboard for our Farewell event, but the 2 of us figured that 2 non-artistically inclined guys such as us wouldnt be able to make the signboard look good enough, so we put it on hold. And the job I have at hand is to find photos for our photo exhibition for farewell. Its still tentative though, and I need to find out how many photos are available for us to use. Other than that, I was quite surprised that I saw quite a lot of friends hanging around school doing their PW haha. Everyone is just busy busy busy.
For today, I had a family outing at Pasir Ris Park with my relatives haha. It was quite fun to have a picnic in the morning, and we even played basketball at the court there. Well, looks to me that I'm still quite a lousy player, even though I myself got a few tyco shots haha. And playing basketball with slippers isnt really a good idea either. And walking around Pasir Ris Park also made me reminiscence about how I was still a small kid when we visited Pasir Ris Park in the past. Now, its like the facilities there mostly mention "For Kids only and not for Adults" haha. On the overall, I would say that its always nice to be able to just hang out with your relatives and enjoy family time, or how you would call it.
After we were done with our picnic, I then went to meet my secondary school friends for LAN at Paradiz centre. Its always interesting that every LAN session is always a different experience haha. Well, for guys we can just talk endlessly abt games and stuff if we're enthu about it. Well, as usual we played games such as DOTA, Jedi Outcast and CS haha. But DOTA was the bulk of the games haha. I played for around 4 hours+, and the cost was $12. Seems quite ex eh? After we were done with LAN, we went to eat Long John Silvers, and then the guys went to play pool. I only hanged around a bit longer, cause I have to go to school tomorrow for a council meeting haha. Cannot return home too late. So here I am, blogging lol. Oh yeah just because I'm blogging at 11.36pm doesnt mean I just reached home at this time haha. Well, looks like another day at school tomorrow haha. It seems for me like I have 1 day break in between each day I return to school haha. Cause for this week I have gone to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday tomorrow. This kind of working pattern seems so weird haha. Oh well, I'm ending this entry here now. Gotta go sleep now to get myself energized for tomorrow's meeting. Good night everyone.
Pictures Of The Day
Nice view on top eh?
Ok you can't really see anything but trees...
Yes, we're on the Spider Web haha.
If you didnt know, that's my eldest bro Zhichao
Lol it looked fun so I had to try it. Well, it was hard to pose for the camera when it started spinning...haha
Note:There's some more pictures on my handphone, but I haven't uploaded them yet haha. Stay tuned.
Zhiming @ 11:36 PM.