Monday, December 26, 2005
Yo everyone, I've just returned from Malacca! For those of you who didn't know, my family as well as my Grandma and cousin went to Malaysia for holiday on the 24th. This time's trip was quite a fruitful trip cause I managed to buy quite a number of new clothes, pants and stuff haha. Looks like its time for an image change for me I guess... Hm...
Anyways, I took quite some pictures of the apartment my family owns in Malacca, isnt it cosy? Haha. Well since we dont go there that often, everytime we arrive there, its a mass cleaning session to clear off all the months' worth of dust and dirt.. In fact, this is our most recent visit in 2 years, and well the place was very dirty, but we managed to clean things up properly anyway.
Well, I don't really have much to say about this trip other than shopping, shopping shopping haha. Well, I'm quite looking forward to wearing some of my new clothes the next time I go out :) As for entertainment, me and my bros had like a mass cards session all the way while we were on the long drive from J.B to Malacca, as well as the way back. Yeah, 3 people playing cards at the back of a car can be quite complicating, but hey, what else could we do to kill time anyway haha. And other than playing cards, we had our share of Risk as well. It seems that Risk is not as simple as I thought it was haha. Tactics, tactics and more tactics I must say. I must say, it really feels sad when you see your whole army guarding your territory get swept away in one go haha.
So well, after this short 3 day holiday, I guess its back to school work again. Yes, this means more council too haha. Full dress skit rehearsal is tomorrow! I hope it goes smoothly.
Cya all at school everyone!
The main living room
The dining table
The kitchen
One of the bedrooms
The balcony view
The swimming pool
My cousin with his newly bought shades! Haha doesn't he look cool?
Zhiming @ 7:56 PM.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Yo everyone! Finally an update haha. Ok, I've finally uploaded some Aesthec dinner pics, mainly the group pics haha.
Well, on Thursday, we had skit rehearsal which went quite ok other than a major problem that a few of our main cast were missing cause they had gone for holiday. Anyways after the rehearsal, we went to help out with banner painting! Yes, yet again another banner haha. Well, every banner gives a different sense of satisfaction haha. And we put in quite a lot of creativity for this time's banner! We had a bit of graffiti style put into it haha. And we even used paint bombs! Which was quite a major operation cause everyone was afraid of being getting hit by the paint. Anyways in the end we used cardboard boxes as a shield to prevent the paint from spreading so it was kept under control.
On Friday, we had our first aid course which was taught by Serene, our 27th Student Councillor. Man, I went to school early in the morning to exercise but in the end got pang seh by most of the guys... Next time I'll remember to exercise by myself first.. haha. And we had a few issues with borrowing the security guard's keys to opening the side gate. Well I was reminded about the lesson of give and take. After the first aid course, game committee stayed back until quite late cause we had to modify the O1 games all over again after looking at the feedback we had gotten from OGL workshop. Well I seriously hope the games will be a success haha. The O1 games committee really put in a lot of effort into thinking and planning of the games. :)
As for the weekend, I finally had a short break from council. But somehow just being reminded of the mountain of homewoek that I havent complete just gets me all frustrated again... I wish I had planned my time better during the holidays. Holidays are ending soon and there's just so much stuff to do! I think I seriously need to seek help from my friends to help study and do homework together with me. And when my family went out for dinner on Saturday, I managed to buy some suitable gloves and a ski mask for my skit costume. And well, now I look like a terrorist haha... See it for yourself in the picture below. And my bros told me that I look like a high class robber haha... Maybe the freshmen from O1 will call me "Super terrorist" or something hm.... I have no idea. Well I still have to consult the rest and see if I'll really use the mask after all.
Tomorrow is CCA Bazaar briefing! I hope that it will go well tomorrow. And I plan to stay back in school to rush my homework... If I cant complete all of it then at least I must try my best! Must make full use of all the time that's left. And I need to discuss with my form teacher about my time management difficulties... I still cant seem to balance council and studies I guess. That's my resolution for next year! Which is approaching very soon...
Everyone, please give me the support I need, so that I can overcome this difficult stage. Support me, and I'll always be sure to do the same back as well. I believe I am that kind of person. Chiong ah! Cya all then.

Aesthetico Dinner at Swensens at PS
Ok I'm taking the picture so I'm not inside haha..

Our group photo after the dinner.
Do not be mistaken, its just part of the Aesthetico tradition to pass down to your junior an alcoholic drink :)

The O1 Banner! Yeah, making the splatter design needed a bit of ingenuity.
Paint bombs can be quite dangerous... and messy.
The sun set we always see when we go home late from council...
Nowadays it doesnt feel right when we go home before it turns dark, can you imagine that feeling? Can't blame council though. I think its cause of time management.
Taking a break after working hard on games proposal...
My skit outfit! Ok it looks as if there's a terrorist in my house....
Zhiming @ 10:02 PM.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Phew...OGl workshop for the past 2 days has been a very tiring event. Being a games conductor, there was like tons of logistics to do, but on the overall I had a great experience haha. It was another challenge for the 28th Student Council as we had to do a good job of organising people as well as getting them hyped up for O1. It was another learning experience for all of us. And looks like games committe has more work ahead of us haha. We recieved a lot of useful and valuable feedback from the workshop. And on the overall, OGL workshop was a success!
Today, Aesthetico had our dinner with our seniors at Swensens at PS!! We had a really great time haha.
As for tomorrow, there's skit for rehearsal for O1 haha.
Hm, I think its just because I'm too tired that is making my posts damn short. I am just so exhausted now.
Stay tuned for me to upload the pictures I took!
Zhiming @ 6:49 AM.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Priorities in life.... Something I recently started to think about. People can strive to make many changes in their lives, and it seems that its time that I realised and planned for mine as well. No more of just endless following and going with the flow to see what happens, but rather to think of your final destination and then work towards it. Do I have the potential to achieve my goals? I have never really thought about that. Self-motivation and determination is what I need now.
The future is up to me and only me to control. Will I stay as I am, become worse, or change for the better? The result is up to me to decide.
At many times, I have felt that I have become too carefree. Being carefree is good that you can have less worries, but you also do not understand the seriousness and urgency of a situation. I am reminded of a sentence my teacher once told me, "God does not help those who do not help themselves". You have to work hard for whatever you strive for.I have to be more serious in what I do. I have to show to others that I truly have the potential to reach my goals. And I shall gain the respect that I have always wanted. In the past, I have felt this way, but changed back to my old self. This time, it shall be do or die.
JC so far has taught me a lot of new lessons, little bits and pieces which tell me more about my own character, capabilities and weaknesses. Council has also played a big part in it. Exploring things I never tried before, met and understood many different people's characters as well as their working styles, and also having worries that I have never experienced before. Stress has also become a greater factor now, and then again I hope that it acts as a motivation and challenge for me to push my limits. How can one grow if he or she forever doesnt experience any hardship before at all?
Tomorrow will be a new start, and things will show for themself. Whether I am a weakling or a winner in my own right.
Zhiming @ 10:24 PM.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Phew, today was another busy day haha. I went to school at 7.00am cause we had 01 games meeting at 8.00am and me and some other councillors wanted to meet up early in order to exercise. In the end, it was raining so everyone reached school late haha. Except for a few of us.
The first person I saw was Choy and he was running around the school block to act as his morning exercise. I was still having headaches in the morning so I stayed in the SC room and waited for the rest to reach. Eventually Choy and Jinfa came to join me, then we went to meet up with the rest of the people who were waiting at the grandstand. In the end, the girls went running on the track even though it was still drizzling. I must give them credit for their determination haha. As least they werent afraid of falling sick. And man, I found out today that having headaches can be quite irritating grr...
Well the guys tried to go to the gym in order to pump some iron, but we found out that the gym was still locked so we had no choice but to do other stuff. Cun Zheng, Swee Wei and I grabbed a soccer ball and went back to the track again and played a bit of passing amongst ourselves, and then when the girls were ready we went back to the SC room. One unfortunate thing was that Cun Zheng sprained his wrist while we were playing soccer, and cause it was an old injury as well, he was in quite a lot of pain. But he's ok now anyways after we used cold water and ice packs to quell the pain. Luckily there wasnt any bone fracture or serious stuff like that.
Anyways, we started our games meeting which lasted until around afternoon, and those involved with our games meeting had no choice but to miss dance practice today haha. Even though I wanted to go and have some revision... But O1 games comes as a priority, since our games trial for councillors is this week haha. Oh well, we will make up for our dancing tmr I guess.
In the afternoon, quite a big group of councillors went to J8 for lunch, and then after lunch those of us involved in the O1 skit went back to school to read up and try our scripts. There's still quite a lot of changes to be done, cause each person has their own acting style, and I believe skits are very flexible, so a lot of ideas can be put in haha. After completing our "skit rehearsal" of the day, the group of us were troubled over where to go to have dinner, then in the end everyone decided to go hang out at my house then have dinner nearby Serangoon Gardens haha. Along the way we stopped by Coffee Bean and bought a few drinks there. And we saw Kai Jian with his Aunt! Haha what a coincidence.
For me, it was quite fun inviting everyone over to my house, and then talk about council work as well as other stuff haha. And today I suppose everyone got to know my brothers better by a bit too eh? I think it was also quite a funny experience for them too. Anyways we were so engrossed with discussing about stuff that in the end we just decided to order pizza for dinner. I mean like yeah, its my house so it feels comfortable, but hanging out with council friends in my house is yet another new experience haha. Next time you all must come again k? And hopefully next time its a bigger gang haha. Oh well, busy with council this week again.... Back to school again! Cya all there, as always haha.
Everyone who went to my house today!
Looking forward to their next visit!
Stay tuned for my next update!
Zhiming @ 11:54 PM.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Yeah, today we went kettling! Oh well today me, Cun Zheng, Swee Wei, Candice, Wei Jun, Bee Fong and Jinfa met up at East Point (Simei MRT) at 11.00am and had our lunch before we started our kettling at 12.00pm. Anyways, the 3 girls were stationed at East Point to do their kettling while the rest of the guys followed the Salvation Army van to our check point outside Tampines MRT.
When we finally reached and set up our station outside Tampines MRT, then came the routine of wearing the "nice" Salvation Army apron and ringing the bell haha. As for me, I was mostly in charge of giving out the free Starbucks coffee vouchers to people while the rest continued ringing the bells and entertaining donations. And as a habit, I always bow to people as a form of courtesy before stretching out my hand to pass them the voucher. So now, my back kind of hurts after giving out those hundreds of vouchers haha. Well being patient does come in handy when giving out flyers... And after all that ringing, I can still hear the ringing in my ears now sia... Ok maybe not so serious until that extent, but all that ringing has brainwashed me. I bet if I enter any Long John Silver, I'll start ringing the bell and say its a natural reaction haha. Well I guess you all should understand my point :)
Halfway through, Ping Qi joined us cause she found out that she was free at the last moment, and in the end cause Jinfa and Cun Zheng had other matters to attend to, only me, Swee Wei and Ping Qi were left at the kettling station before we changed to the next shift. The few of us had quite a few laughs, cause we were really bored and thought of many ideas of how to make kettling more interesting... Well any people who are going for kettling soon can approach us for ideas to reduce boredom haha.
Well, after our kettling shift from 12pm to 5pm ended, we all went back home cause everyone had their own activites already. At the end of the day, it seemed the girls side had a better response cause they had met a special donator who donated $50 dollars! Well if you ask me, I bet its cause the person only had 1 $50 note and the rest were in hundreds haha. And the donator was a female? Haha I thought it would have been a guy. Well in the end kettling isnt about who got more donations of anything. Its about helping others in need.
Finally, I wish to thank Jinfa, Bee Fong and Ping Qi for joining us today for kettling.We appreciated it! The more company the better :) I believe you all have a good time as well? Oh well, cya all at school!
Our kettling station and me wearing the nice apron!
Haha so coincidentally there was no crowd behind me...
Do you feel like donating? Haha.

The Starbucks voucher which I gave out.
Wait for me to get a clearer picture!
Stay tuned for updates!
Zhiming @ 9:14 PM.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Phew! I finally managed to take a break today. Man, council has been REALLY exhausting, and I think that all those days of not getting enough sleep have finally piled up and resulted in me having a blocked nose and a bad sore throat. Well, all those strepsils, pills and herbal tea have helped me feel better now.
During this Monday, there was the rehearsal for Farewell for the backstage people. Creative had a meeting at 9, but I felt I needed some exercise and so I went to school at around 7.00+am and started a bit of exercise. Did 5 rounds, some pull ups, and some sit ups as well. Well I still have a long way to go if I want to get silver for NAPFA next year. The rehearsal went quite well, and Creative was also in charge of hanging the backdrop today. After hanging it, many people felt that it seemed to look quite small, so we brainstormed and figure that we could try putting a 2nd banner behind it to make it look bigger, something like an extended border. Luckily Winnie had already bought a black banner which was intended for O1 haha. And at night I helped Liyana print the School logo cause we needed it for Mrs Ho's scrapbook. I couldnt find it online, so I took a picture of it on the school flag haha, then printed it at home.
On Tuesday, it was our last full dress rehearsal before the actual thing. But of course the uniform group skitters didnt need to bring their uniforms cause we needed it the next day. Creative and some other councillors sort of went into a mad rush because we needed to solve the banner problem by today, and so everyone went into hyper drive to sew the banners so that we could put the poles through. At the starting we didnt have a long pole and so we tied four poles together to insert through the top of the black banner, but the middle of the pole sagged when we hanged the banner up. And so we had no choice but to scrap the idea of putting the black banner behindto "extend" the length of the Farewell banner. In the end, we figured our best alternative was to lower the Farewell banner more. On the same day, the whole council worked together to help out with the photo gallery cause Creative committe had faced problems with completing it. Thanks councillors for helping us out! I really appreciated that. At night, I believe quite a few people got spammed with sms from NYJC informing them about farewell the next day haha.
On Wednesday morning, I went to school at around 9.00am in order to check out if there was anything that my committe might have left out, and we really forgot something. The 2nd signboard meant for decorating Mrs Ho's trishaw was unfinished, so we still had some work to do. We sawed the 2nd signboard because we felt it was too long, and with a bit of painted, it was sort of completed. All that was left was for Kaijian to decorate the trishaw when it reached school. Other than that, Mrs Ho's farewell today was quite a success, cause we had met our primary objective which was to allow her to have a good time. :) One problem we met though was that there was a overestimation of how many people would attend that day. Catering was calculated for 2000 people, but in the end only around 600-700 people came. Council had a really hard time trying to clear up all that food... And one problem everyone raised was about ushering, ushering and more ushering haha. Well, personally, I feel that since there's no way to rehearse ushering, its quite a difficult job to do. Somehow, it puzzled me why during our briefing the only thing we talked about was mainly about ushering. And also, councillors still have a lot to learn about controlling crowds I guess. O1 is coming up, so it is even more important for us to understand how to crowd control. And I feel that Simin adapted quite well to the backstage situation. Thumbs up for you! As a backstage crew, I felt quite secure having her in charge. Well you really have to work with people in order to understand how they lead under pressure. So even though I missed out on watching the performance from the hall, being backstage crew wasnt so bad after all. Even though logistics and stuff are very tedious things to do.
On Thursday, O1 games committee as well as our honournary members had a meeting at 8.00am in order to discuss on Game Trials next week.Then after that, council had to clear up the chairs and decorations in the hall, and rearraange the canteen, so it was mostly labour work again haha. In the evening, I went out to watch Chicken Little at PS cause Candice was watching it with her family, and she asked if any councillors wanted to go. And so around 13 of us went together to watch the movie haha. And a lot of councillors seem to be falling sick recently. I think we hang out with each other so much that we all get the same sickness...haha Or maybe its just cause we all dont get enough sleep. Oh well, time of everyone to focus on O1 preparations. Yet another long council term ahead...haha
The school logo :)
Counci helping out to do the photo gallery
Yes, photo galleries are labour intensive. And dont misunderstand... what Jonathan's holding is part of what I cut out from the letter "n"
Our completed photo gallery!!
Police and Army working together for the safety of our Council Room...haha
Mrs Ho's present from the teachers who went to Taiwan
The big size Chicken Little we saw at the cinema counter at PS.
Stay Tuned for updates!
Zhiming @ 4:12 AM.