Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Hm, today was a relatively less busy day, cause I had only PE, bio lecture, then GP lesson. But even though I brought one bag to school today, its still quite fat cause I brought chem notes to study haha. Today, was the final scene of the O1 skit! And 2 trailer scenes for upcoming O2 haha. Well.. I wonder if people will still remember Magneto haha. Maybe the evil laughter.... Mua hahahaha.... Well anyways the skit turned out quite well. Still as interesting as ever :) And thanks skitters for accomodating me even though I didnt went for the past 2 rehearsals... And after the skit, we did our Superstar dance and then we all left to help start the Griffin Cup.
If you didnt know, the Griffin Cup is a dodgeball competition held among Griffin house members. And yeah although things were quite chaotic at the start cause we were unsure how how to implement the rules and stuff properly, we managed to adapt to the situation and made sure that everyone who went had their own share of fun. Looks like this will spur on the other houses to start organising their own form of events haha. Well visibility is quite important after all... Let's go Pegasus!
And I booked a session for my theory trial test on driving. Its on the 1st Feb 6.55pm. I hope it won't cause me to miss out on anything If you're thinking what I'm thinking. Well that's abt it for today.
Man, I havent been maintaining my exercising at home...gotta come out with a new schedule again hm..
Endurance! The way to go!!! Rawr!!!!
Stay tuned for updates.
Zhiming @ 6:03 AM.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Well today at school, it seems that I have finally realised what it is that I'm currently lacking. With self-motivation and determination, comes DISCIPLINE. No time to waste, I must catch up on my studies now!!! And I have finally applied for driving lessons today.... They are on my tuesdays, thursdays and sundays. Time to get working!! I will show everyone what I'm made of!!!! No more feeling sad, regretful and stressed over not completing hwk....and personal matters.
Today is a special day....I SWEAR! That now I will change my attitude... That I will not let myself down. And the others I care for....
"God does not help those who do not help themselves."
Zhiming @ 6:05 PM.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Yo, today at school was ok haha. Lessons were ok, mugged chemistry during my long break in between, felt satisfied that I did some progress today :) But I still have a long way to go though. And Thanks 05S10A!!! I really like the birthday card you all made for me!! :) And so that others can appreciate it as well, I have uploaded pictures of it! Haha. I feel so lucky. Well today at PE I failed my pullups and standing board jump station haiz... Looks like back to training my 2 weakest stations again... Need more fitness!!!
Hm....somehow I dunno why, but I seemed to get quite stressed at council work today.... Today we had a short Aesthetico meeting, and directly after that O2 Ad Hoc meeting no. 2... And in between, I was supposed to have a skit rehearsal but I missed it anyways. Well, I guess at today's Aesthetico meeting, I was reminded of something that has been bothering me ever since I realised last year, that my school life now revolves around council. The word that describes it all is PRIORITIES. Not about what task to do first, and do next, but rather what are my current prioritised goals that I wish to achieve. Like of course, it is obvious that studies is the BIGGEST priority of them all, but I seem to always get so involved in council that I tend to find myself losing my direction all over again. Hey, who said it's easy to balance studies and council. I still have this difficulty ever since last year. Then again, I feel that I am letting down council down if I keep telling them that I treat studies more important than their friendship, which is a message I dont want to convey.
And cause I know that my current studies cannot make it, I have opted out from being in the Dinner and Dance Ad Hoc, which will be taken up by the O2 Ad Hoc. I think it's better that I set for myself more time for study... I know that rather than be worrying, I should conjure up my determination and start making things happen. Man, I'm reaching a point in my life that I find it hard to focus fully on my studies. I think I really need some way or method to start motivating myself to concentrate on studies. Without self-motivation, how can one do anything wholeheartedly?
And I'm sorry for being fierce towards any of the councilors today especially those close to me... I guess I become like that when I think of serious things, especially regarding myself... I have also sometimes wondered if some of us have become too "bonded" to council that we are doing too much bonding, and neglecting things like studies and family. Like yeah, who wouldn't want to always hang out with your friends who went through thick and thin with you? And this makes it even harder to convince yourself to draw the line to stop.
So far, I am trying my best to balance these 3 categories..
And I have mentioned to some people that I also intend to learn driving this year, which means even lesser time for my studies and council. Yet another factor that needs balancing...
I really need to do some planning, and I really mean serious planning. Which means back to serious thinking mode again...Well I think I should relax for now and think about it calmly... And yes, all of this personal reflections and stuff is making me neglect my studies again.... ARGH!!!
I dunno lah....I think I'll take some time to think about it. I might be making a breakthrough in myself. I hope. Everything just seems so vague....I still dunno what it is that I'm trying to look for. I think I need someone to talk to... Perhaps my brother when he's free... Argh can feel some slight depression coming to my head... Think I should try to relax for now...
And I think it sounds weird that I will say this after all that I have just said, but dont worry about me everyone. Well if I need help I'll ask you all for help. But personally, I would prefer that I can solve this personal problem of mine myself, then it truly becomes my own accomplishment. I remember I once said before, "To see if I am a weakling, or a winner in my own right". Oh damn. This entry is so similar to the one I posted last time when I had a "sudden realisation of reality". It appears that I havent really changed a bit at all?
Damn it, damn it, damn it. All of this is getting irritating. When can I finally set myself in the correct mode? I'll have to figure it out myself bah.
Oh well, haiz. Cya all at school bah. Enough of ranting and ranting...
The nice birthday card given to me by my beloved class!
Read the cover, then the contents inside properly to get the full picture haha.

So many encouraging comments! Thank you all!
And I wish that all your wishes will come true as well :)
Stay tuned for updates! Hm...feeling a bit more relaxed now.
Zhiming @ 10:08 PM.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Yo everyone! Wohoo! What a great day today was! Thank you everyone for celebrating my birthday! :) Even just a simple "Happy Birthday" greeting means a lot to me haha. At the start, I wasn't really that enthusiastic about my birthday, cause like hey, I figured my birthday was just as normal as any other day. Well at least I spent my last few birthdays like that haha ever since I grown up to become a teenager. But hey! It feels good when people say happy birthday to you. I would say that it's a feeling of being appreciated by others. And that makes your birthday significant. :) The moment I woke up and swiched on my handphone, I discovered that I had recieved so many "Happy Birthday" messages, and that kind of kicked off my day with a good start haha :)
During today, it was also NYJC's newspaper collection at Toa Payoh and Serangoon. Somehow or another, my class was assigned to the area around Vanessa's house. What a coincidence haha. Well, it made life for us easier as well cause we had a place to put our bags as well as have refreshments during our break. And we even had a trolley, a very convenient tool for newspaper collection I must say.
Well, today's newspaper collection went quite ok other than one thing which had room for improvement which was the waiting duration for the truck to come. A lot of groups had to wait for hours before the truck went to their collection point to load the newspapers and stuff. For my class, we had called the truck at 11.30am but ended up waiting until 2.00+pm. Well it brought up a lot of complaining and stuff like that. Well, in between my class resorted to playing filler games, and they also put the time to use by celebrating the birthdays of people in our class who are born in January. Yeah, that includes Vanessa and me. And the cake was personalised and had our names on it! That was a nice thing to see.. :) Check out the picture of the cake below.
After the celebration, the truck came eventually, and even though it was full with newspapers and stuff from other checkpoints, our class still managed to load everything onto the truck. :) And we had some unexpected extra help as well, cause Huimin and Wei Jun came to join us. Well, some councilors had decided to go out for lunch together, and Huimin and Wei Jun figured that rather than go to J8 and wait, they might as well meet up with me and Vanessa and help us out first, then we leave together. Thank you you two! :) And great job 05S10A!!! I believe our class showed a lot of team work and cooperation today. Everyone had fun right? Ok labour work such as moving the newspapers may have been difficult, but I believe we enjoyed each other's company today :) It was a good experience for everyone right?
After finally finishing the collection, me, Vanessa, Huimin and Wei Jun then rushed to J8 for our appointed lunch. Well cause of the delay we only reached J8 at around 3.00+pm and our arrangment was supposed to be 2pm haha. Well we met up with Bee Fong at J8 as well, and Cunzheng joined soon after cause he had went home to wash up and change clothes first cause he had to look nice for the outing with the Dragon House OGLs later on. We then decided to have our lunch at Pastamania, where our class girls were also having lunch together. At Pastamania, the councilors sang a birthday song for me, and they gave me a cake which was bought from "Sweet Secrets". Opps, I forgot to take a picture of it :P Maybe I should ask Bee Fong to get another one time bah. Well after lunch, the group of us met up with Swee Wei and Jinfa who were delayed cause of the same "late truck" problems haha. And yeah, after walking around J8 a bit we then all returned home. And I officially bought my first drink of wine today haha.
In the evening, I had a simple dinner at the Serangoon Garden Country club with my family, and now I'm at home now blogging and stuff like that.
Phew, what a day, what a day. Birthdays are great! Haha. Thank you all once again everyone! Without you all I never would have such a great day today :) Friends are the best! Cya all everyone! You all are the bestest!
Some of the cute toys you get to see in the council room....
Turtle+Pig+Beaver Combo!!

My new Billabong pencil case! A present from the councilors... :)
Thank you all! I like it a lot!
Nice birthday cake eh? Plus its personalised!
Yeah, me and Vanessa taking a pic togetherIf you're wondering, there's only 1 candle cause the coating on the cake is quite thick haha

Another picture, this time its us with our birthday cake slices.
See our names on them? Haha
05S10A Girls
NYJC Newspaper Collection 21-1-2006!!
Stay tuned for updates :)
Zhiming @ 10:41 AM.
Friday, January 20, 2006
OK OK....Finally another update. Haha. Man things have really been busy nowadays. Back to the hectic life of school and council.... Anyways, I think I might as well list what I have been doing for the past 12 days haha... Grr I really need to update my blog more often. Wonder how I remember events? I check my sms lol.
Ok lets see.
On 9th Jan, it was our first day back to school and we had to help line up the OGs in the morning....And everyone got their updates about homework haha. Other than that, nothing much bah
On 10th Jan, I prepared my script for Pegasus Movie Night which was on 13th Jan Friday
On 11th Jan, it was CCA Bazaar! Ok the CCA Bazaar went through, but it appears that the 28th Council still has room for improvement. Another hard lesson learnt, as well as a reminder of our past lessons. Talk is cheap, Action is what matters.
On 12th Jan, we had our first O2 Ad Hoc meeting! Yeah let's go O2!!! Well preparations have began... so lets all work hard together everyone!
On 13th Jan, it was finally our Pegasus Movie Night. Yeah I believe everyone who went for the movie enjoyed the experience. Although some people can actually tend to over react when watching horror movies. Hey man, people scaring people is more scary then the movie scaring people haha.
On 14th Jan, I basically stayed at home other than going out to Kovan in the afternoon to buy stuff. And its my eldest bro's day! So we had a sumptuous dinner at Seoul Garden to celebrate the occasion.
On 15th Jan, it was Vanessa's bday, and so a group of us surprised her in front of her house in the morning haha. And after that we went out for lunch and others joined us for shopping. Those of us who wanted to study for tests went home earlier in the afternoon though haha.
On 16th Jan, most of the O2 Ad Hoc committees had their meetings after school to brief about stuff. I'm starting to like my committee already haha :) Well I really hope things will be under control when my comm gets more busy haha.
On 17th Jan, there was Chem and Maths test....Haiz I still have a lot of catching up to do for my studies. And after school, tuesday was supposed to be an official council off day, but in the end I saw Swee Wei, and the two of us decided to help out Welco which was trying to clear lockers. And I must say, those locks we use at school are more heavy duty then I first thought they were. Yeah, learnt it the practical way.
On 18th Jan, we had O1 evaluation and O2 briefing again. For my committee, we were basically still free and so we helped Creative comm to tidy up and sort out the O Packs cause some had gotten wet from air con water in the SL. And yes the SL is infested by millipedes...So it was quite an experience for the girls. Anyways we'll have to clean up the O Packs eventually. Just waiting for Creative comm to set a date for everyone.
On 19th Jan, well I finally got to go home early by 4! What a long time that has ever happened...
And today! Today is quite a fulfilling day for me cause I went running in the morning, got some exercise. But more importantly, the councilors celebrated my birthday for me haha. Thank you all for making my day special! Oh well tomorrow's the actual day, and I'll be doing newspaper collection hm.. Well, a birthday isnt that a big deal after all when you think about it. It can be just as normal as any other day, and it can also be special, depending on how you and others look at it haha. And I like the present! My first Billabong item, a Billabong pencil box :) Well I always wondered why people used so big pencil boxes in the first place, but since its a gift I just thought that I should use it haha. And today was Bio test hm... Hope I do ok for it bleah. After school, I stayed back a while to settle my CCA records and stuff, and ended up going to the gym for some exercise again with Cunzheng and Jinfa. And now I'm at home again.
Oh well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow... Finally turning 18! And soon I'll start to learn driving....I hope I can find a suitable time slot somehow. Less time available for school work and council bah.
I'll post some pictures soon haha....So keep a look out for my blog tomorrow! Cya around everyone.
Zhiming @ 9:58 PM.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Finally an update! Man a lot of events have passed since I last updated. Well its almost impossible to list them all, unless you all want another REALLY long post haha. Lets see what happened so far...
Skit Rehearsal 27-28th
Packing of Orientation Packs
OGL Refresher course
Completed OGL flags
Hang Project X Backdrop
Celebrated New Year
Completed Emcee schedule and script for O1
and a lot of other stuff... haha
Well, I guess I'll just mention about O1 since the memory is still fresh in my head.
For O1, I played many different roles from emcee and parade commander on the 1st day, to games conductor for all days, and skitter on the 2nd and last day. Orientation 1 was a blast if you asked me :)
On the first day, Vanessa and I were emcee for the day. Everything went quite well, and the J1s were quite cooperative. And it was my first job being emcee, so its a new learning experience for me haha. As for parade commander, its quite an ok task cause I did it before during secondary school.And I made sure not to shout too loud haha. During the 1st game, it was land games and I was in charge of ball bouncer. The game is quite repetitive, but the people had fun cause I was always there "inspecting" while they were trying all means to direct my attention away from them haha. My favourite line became "Must be honest, must have integrity".
On the 2nd day, I was more free cause I was not in charge of a games station, but then I patrolled the various games to see if they needed help anyways. I was helping assist Jinfa if he needed something to be done. And cause it was water games this time round, I believe the J1s had a lot more fun haha. The only trouble was clearing up at the end of the day...
The 3rd day! Games at Sentosa! The biggest project organised by the Games committee during O1. Phew, my game was the most chaotic of them all, cause its a modified type of war game. And it was on the beach. I was so lucky to have a siren cause without it, I have no idea how I could have handled the chaotic situation. And I could only do so with the support of my fellow Games conductors as well. You people rock! And on Sentosa, many things are unpredictable, so it is even more important to have someone who you can depend on for help. Thanks to the councilors who helped me out when I needed them! And I believe that my endurance level has increased by a bit... Even though things got stressful I didnt lose my temper, but I must admit I was very close to haha. And on the third day, there were regular shifts of raining, and it got quite irritating cause it affected our games. But nonetheless, we all managed to pull it off successfully.
On the last day, the highlight of the day is the disco night, and man were the J1s and OGLs crazy! They just all got so high that I was afraid that the hall would suddenly crumble down on everyone haha. As for the games on the day, my station needed some modifications yet again haha. But the J1s had fun anyways. Apparently getting flour on your face is very
Thank you all OGLs! We couldn't have done O1 without you. And I thank you all again OGL games conductors! And if any J1s are reading this, I hope that you all managed to have fun. Thank you all for participating in O1. And thank you councilors! For making my experience at O1 a great one. And I also thank the teachers for supporting us in this project. Thank you all everyone! Including anyone who I left out in one way or another haha.
Oh well, that's just a brief entry about O1.... Actually a lot more happened haha... Come and ask me about it! Now that O1 is over, its back to working hard at studies... And the next coming event is CCA Bazaar. Jia you everyone! Council Rocks!!
Zhiming @ 3:50 AM.