Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Yeap yeap, another update.
Monday was relatively ok, I went to settle PE logistics with Ms Yap and later on in the day there was OGL course briefing held for council. And so I reached home at around 8.00pm.
Today, another busy day, and there was Chem SPA haha. Man, I surprised myself during SPA today by making dumb mistakes... Luckily I managed to correct most of them.. Maybe I had spent too much emphasis on memorising Skill D. Oh well what's done is done already.
And today was my first driving practical lesson! Ok was so noob today, but driving is SHIOK wah haha... Well I guess the best way to understand driving is to do the practical. Ok sounds duh.. But yeah, more mistakes means more learning. Was a great experience haha... Today I went through the basics such as changing and using the 1st and 2nd gear, reversing, stopping, and making turns around the practice course. Starting to understand what makes racing so fun...lolz But ok, I was driving like real slow today. The practice felt so long haha. And it rained today too, gave me a chance to use the wipers and anti-mist system :P More driving practice!! Getting addicted liao...
Tomorrow is the release of the A level results, good luck to all my friends who took CLAO. Cancel that subject off your subject combination form!! Haha. Unless you love the language.
I wonder how long tomorrow's day will be. Lets see then.
And for everyone who's reading this, take care of your health too k? So many people falling sick nowadays... Wonder why huh... Not a good sign... Dont stress yourselves out physically and mentally. Just a reminder bah. As for myself I think I need to push myself harder... Grr...
Cya all everyone!
Zhiming @ 8:40 PM.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
All right! Update time.
Well, this weekend around, I went for Final Theory Practice sessions at SSDC and managed to pass the Final Theory Trial Test today. Yet another step closer to completing driving haha. My final theory test is booked on the 25th March..Now cause of my busy weekly schedule, I had to do some major adjustments to my practical lessons...Well everything's mostly settled now. So no worries, unless new events suddenly start popping out. Now some of my lessons extend until early May hm... And after completing my lessons, its around a 2 month wait before I can go for the final test... Well anyways my practical lessons are starting soon! Can finally get an actual chance at driving a car, though I'm still like 100% newbie now.
And today, I finally did filing of my worksheets... I guess its these small tasks that motivate you to study better. Who feels like studying when you see piles of worksheets everywhere? Well I guess using files will definitely work out well for me...Less troublesome when I look for worksheets too bleah. Its a bad habit of mine to waste time during lessons just to find worksheets grr. I guess I'm just lazy at organising my stuff. Ever wondering why I always bring 2 bags to school? I guess that's a main reason. Well even after I filed those worksheets, I still have to use the 2nd bag to bring the files to school... So I guess me and my bags are inseparable haha.
This coming week will be preparations for OGL workshop... Lets all hope everything goes well.
Zhiming @ 10:09 PM.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Yeah, another day at school. Today was quite normal other than today we had to use the hall for lectures cause the LT was used for a meeting held in NYJC for the principals of various schools.
And today, me, Swee Wei, Candice and Cleo went for RI Investiture. We had our lessons dismissed at 2.00pm, and my Mom fetched us from school to RI at around 2.30+pm. Well we reached RI at around 2.40+pm and registered our attendance. Luckily we took my Mom's car cause it was raining haha. Anyways, while we were waiting to be ushered to the Shaw Foundation Ceremonial Hall, the few of us had a short tour around the school, led by ours truly haha. Well, walking around RI does bring back memories, even though I myself have forgotten quite a lot of stuff already. There's so much renovation going on now, and even the canteen I used to go to is gone now. But well of course there's a lot of new stuff constructed, and the most obvious example is the completed RJC. Although we didnt really go there to do much exploring today hm...
When everyone was finally ushered to the hall, the programme started and it was the usual format such as entrance of prefects, speeches made by the headmaster (principal), GOH and Head Prefect, and the finale and then the Institution Anthem. And the finale was the whole RI Prefectorial Board (RIPB) singing a song together, which was quite interesting.
After that was refreshments at the atrium, and we finally met up with our "official guide"Juanhe, who showed us and told us more about the contributions and events done by the RIPB. He's a very friendly guy haha. And yeah, I must say he did a good job of entertaining us. And its quite a surprise to find out that he's from NCC and I was his direct senior, and I was oblivious of it. Hm...I knew that I had forgotten a lot of stuff haha. Oh well, not a bad experience exploring RI again. Met some of my old classmates and said hi too haha. And so we toured around parts of RI such as the swimming pool, the gymnasium, the D&T area, the Astroturf etc.
Then after everything, when we signed out, we recieved a custom made gift which is a bottle with a float inside. When you squeeze the bottle, the float inside sinks haha. Boyle's Law hm...
Then after that my Mom came to fetch us back to NYJC where everyone left for home. Quite a fruitful day today if you ask me. And its not cause of missing lessons...
Well lets see what day tomorrow will be like.
Zhiming @ 8:56 PM.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Hm...What a shag day sia.
Today in the morning during my 1st break of the day, I went to look for Mr Chionh and couldnt find him but found Mr Tam though. Ended up asking Mr Tam to help me approach and inform Mr Chionh for me.
After that was PE lesson, after some arm training and leg exercises, we had a bit of volley ball again today. Nothing much though.
Following that was Bio lecture and GP presentation. Hm...It seems my presentation was too wordy haha. Sorry if it made any of my classmates bored.. Then we had MST and reading programme.
And for council today, we had Games Trial 2 meeting and Council PT! Apparently today's attendance was quite low... I wonder why sia. Then cause of that demonstrations for the games were cancelled. I ended up borrowing PE logistics for nothing again... Oh well that's the life of doing logistics. Better than have it, and dont need it rather than need it and dont have it. Sounds logical yah? Then after Game Trial briefing was over, we had a short video recording of our dancing at the parade square. Then it was official PT time.
Well, to be honest, today's PT session mood was quite bad, and some people got really tired and frustrated and pissed... And I hope everyone's feeling ok. Well I wonder what kind of sprains I might get tomorrow haha. Well, I just suppose we need to understand more of what we want our PT session to be like. I think its also cause we havent had PT in a while, and everyone started off with the wrong mentality. Maybe I guess. Come on councilors! Let's make our next PT session a better one :) And hopefully next time we will have a full attendance. Everyone is like so busy sia..
If you ask me about my personal view, I feel that PT shouldnt be meant to kill people, but rather just do to maintain our fitness yah? Like running a slow jog builds up your blood circulation and works those muscles, and if you do that everyday, I bet you'll definitely become fitter than if you just stone at home in front of the computer or table doing homework all day. And if most people agree to it, then we can try to push ourselves to our limits. Well maybe not every PT session, but once in a while why not try to push ourselves harder a bit. And PT aso develops discipline among ourselves. Ok not as in always getting shouted at and then listening to orders as in the army, but a self-discipline. Like for example lets say your goal for PT would be to run 2.4km, then do pushups, and maybe some situps and leg exercises. Then implementing and completing all of these tasks that you have set for yourself will show that you have discipline for yourself. The same can be used for studies, setting for yourself the standard of how you want to do your studies and homework. Regardless of how "wonderful and beneficial" I make PT sound, I mean, its still up to every individual's fitness as well.
And I just wish to say that if it really comes to a stage that any of you feel that you cannot take it anymore, just tell us, its ok. I believe none of us will force anyone to carry on, unless we are really feeling that you're not pushing your limit yet. And if it really comes to a point that people suddenly faint, we will be there for you. But of course that would be the last senario we want to see happen haha. Welfare is very important in PT as well...
And maybe next time round, some simple things we can do is to remember to bring towels and water bottles along haha...Today was a really hot day and apparently most of us forgot to bring our bottles with us hm... Hot + Frustrated=Bad Combo
Well, I suppose I said my view abt today. And a lot of other stuff too haha... Good job today everyone! We managed to endure through PT today. Everyone get enough rest yah? Nowadays so many people falling sick sia... Wonder why. Hope you all get well soon :)
Cya all at school then. Tomorrow I got RI Prefect Investiture! Havent worn a blazer in ages haha..
Zhiming @ 9:54 PM.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Yo everybody, yeah as I've mentioned, here's quite a fast update haha.
Well, Monday was quite a simple day. My class had bio SPA then PE, and after that I settled some logistics stuff such as cutting blindfolds... I feel quite guilty that I missed the "elections comm" meeting in order to do my O2 logist... But lucky Siti and the others understand my difficulties. Thank you all!! I promise I'll make up for it.
Today, its Cleo's birthday! Haha operation " B Day Master Plan" is finally completed. Well in order to thank Cleo for teaching me how to fold origami roses, I made some roses and cranes for her haha. Well since I was preparing her birthday gift already, I thought that it was appropriate for me to prepare a gift to thank her at the same time, so hey I went and did it. I hope you liked the presents haha. But apparently guys like me still have some lacking in skill at origami.. But nevertheless its the thought that counts I guess. :P I may have said it quite a lot of times already, but thanks Cleo! Maybe you could still teach me more origami...when we can spare the time haha. I bet school work is killing everyone. Hm...
And today, after settling some logistics stuff after school, I went for my Basic Theory Test at the driving centre. And I passed! Ok apparently the test is quite easy after you have gone for the practice session a few times. So now what I need to do next is to get my provisional license and go start my practical lessons! Hehe... One step closer my final goal.
Hm...tomorrow is gonna be Games Trial 2 for councilors. And Merrick has PT planned for us! Gonna be another long day tomorrow...
Cya all tmr everyone :)
Zhiming @ 9:00 PM.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Yo everybody, updating my blog again. If you're wondering where I am, I'm currently in the council room haha. Phew, can finally take a break from today's relatively hectic day.
Oh yeah, you guessed it, "Zhiming is gonna mention day by day what happened again." But hey, everyday is a different day yeah? So it doesnt harm anyone to mention it haha.
On Monday, Solico had started organising their CT competitions. And me and Aik Tiong took a trip to some shops at Serangoon Interchange to buy stuff for the class girls the next day haha. Didnt really spend that much though. Well its the thought that counts ya? And we were in time to watch the last game activity of the CT competition: Stuffing Marshmallows!! Oh yeah it can get quite disgusting when you see people with mouths stuffed with lots of melting marshmallows.... And there was white drool everywhere...ew... But anyways, I myself gave a try, and I had a personal record of 28 in my mouth! And you really cant talk after having that many marshmallows in your mouth haha. But we all had fun anyway.
Tuesday was Valentine Day!!! Man, I got bombarded by chocolates and sweets and presents the moment I went to school haha. Now I know that next time round I should bring a bag to store stuff haha. But hey, its my first significant Valentine Day!Apparently 10 years in all-boys school before JC life doesnt teach you much about Valentine Day hm... But yeah, the atmosphere today was so nice haha... I really like all those presents I recieved. Thanks Everyone!
On Wednesday, council had to settle some stuff such as kayaking, council elections, The One protocol, and O2. And we took a video of our mass dance for NYAA.
On Thursday, The One Finals!!! What an event, turned out to be a hell of a rocking time for everyone. I believe everyone who went had an enjoyable experience. And CCACO has done a great job. THUMBS UP from me!! And of course, I believe everyone else in the 28th Student Council was glad to help out the event as well haha. THUMBS UP for everyone!! And the audience was also so high the moment the event started, must thank them all for their support as well.
Well, Friday is finally a day that I can get to go home early. Today I'm gonna go get my hair cut hm...And for the weekend I guess its back to rushing homework. Got quite a lot of stuff next week... Tutorials, Bio SPA, GP presentation etc. And Basic Theory Driving Test on next tuesday! I must pass it! And then its off to practical lessons for driving hehe...
Hm..next Thursday is RI Investiture as well, looks like I'm got a chance to visit my secondary school on official business haha. I wonder if I'm meet any of my friends there haha. And I think I'll definitely meet some of my teachers again.Oh well, lets see how it goes when it comes. Brings back memories already haha. Though to tell you honestly I might have forgotten some people already haha. Sorry if I did!
Well, I'm ending my post here. Will update again soon! :)
Zhiming @ 3:33 PM.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Hm...another weekly update. Oh well, time to carry on.
For this week, I would say its the "Valentine Day" craze sia haha.
Well Games Trial last week was ok, and Games committee has updated me on new logistics already. Back to work allocating and doing logistics again haha.
Well this week for me was quite simple actually.
On Sunday, I was trying hard to do research on my GP presentation... Which seems quite difficult to do hm...
On Monday, I returned the PE department their logistics.
On Tuesday, I handed in the O2 Logistics Work Schedule.
On Wednesday, I found Mr Bao to ask about the borrowing of the white boards behind the hall...apparently its quite simple to get permission haha.
And I learnt how to fold Roses!!! Even though they dont look so nice :P Well maybe cause I dont have a strong foundation at folding things...Or its just a guy thing haha. Thank you Shifu (Master) Cleo for teaching me!! :) She's my amazing teacher who learnt it from the online website in less than a day!
Some of the more complicated instructions are difficult to visualise if you ask me... Everyone feel free to try it out too! Its here: http://www.bloom4ever.com/howto/howto01.htm And Aesthetico moved the Student Council Location Banner. And today I handed in Budget Proposal for Games Logistics for O2.
On Thursday, nothing much other than how I stayed back in school to do hwk until around 5.30pm when Exco had their meeting in the council room, then those of us staying in the room decided to go home haha.
On Friday, Aesthetico stayed back to settle Friendship Week's booth stuff. Haha I'm looking forward to next week. Next week is gonna be so interesting.
And since its the week approaching Valentine Day, people at school have set up booths that sell from glass roses to customised teddy bears to accessories and stuff like that. And my class started the "Angel and Mortal" game. I wonder what I should get for my Mortal hm... Oh well I shall go and do some scouting and decide then.
One of the roses that Cleo folded, does it just look so pretty? I wonder how long it'll take for me to get to that level haha... Practice makes perfect!!
One of the glass roses I bought from the booths at school for my Mom :) Its the thought that counts.
The Roses that Solico is selling for Valentine Day :)
My "Mini Garden" at home haha...Yeah the better looking ones in the white box, the big blue one and the red one in front by itself "in the limelight" were done by Cleo. They're my reference at home haha. What else but to use other than a good role model? And as the days pass I think the garden will grow bigger bah hehe. More practice!
Everyone enjoy your weekend and Friendship week next week! Cya all :)
Zhiming @ 9:29 PM.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Bleah yet again another late update. Oh well I better update something before my blog collects too much dust.
Continuing from my previous post, here's an idea of what significant events passed so far for me...
26th Jan: Audition for The One held by CCACO
27th Jan: Cross Country!!!
28th Jan: Stayed at home to celebrate New Year Eve
29th Jan- 31st Jan: CHINESE NEW YEAR!!
1st Feb: My bro's bday! Same as Wei Jun's too
2nd Feb: The One Preliminary Rounds
Passed My Basic Theory Trial Test for driving!
3rd Feb: Completed overall logistics for Games Trial (What a relief haha.)
4th Feb: O2 Games Trial
Now time to elaborate more...
Ok well on 26th Jan me and my other classmates worked a bit on our "Total Defence in Maths" poster, and after that I ended up being chased away from helping out in "The One" cause I wasnt selected to be involved haha. Turned out to be a good idea after all I guess.. I mean I should give myself more time at home to do stuff other than council...
For 27th Jan, after our " Cross Country + CNY Celebration", I went to J8 to meet up with my secondary school classmates. And I believe I'll never try to walk from MacRitchie Reservoir to J8 again...lol We then watched "Fearless" at J8 after we ate our lunch. And I met quite a few friends who I havent met in ages haha. Feels nice when you meet old friends ya? After watching our movie, we went to do a bit of window shopping at PS for clothes and then proceeded to Paradiz Centre to try to play LAN. And well, we werent that successful at finding a suitable LAN shop cause they were all fully occupied... Sad for us. We waited at the LAN shop for so long that we got sianz and all decided to just go and eat chicken rice at the stall nearby, and after that I left for steamboat at Marina South with some of the councilors. Steamboat is fun, especially when you have the company. I mean, you dont really need to eat your money's worth as long as you're happy haha.
On 28th Jan, well its Chinese New Year Eve so basically its a practice to just stay at home to celebrate reunion dinner haha.There was quite a feast at home :) And yes, with Chinese New Year comes Mahjong Marathons...lol
On 29th and 30th Jan, it was basically visiting relative's houses, or having relatives come over to my home to celebrate Chinese New Year haha.
On 31st Jan, it was a bit special cause councilors had decided to organise a "outing" to visit each other's houses haha. On that day, I visited 6 houses. Here's the sequence:
Ms Chiew
And yeah, it was also like a "mass picture taking" day also haha. Well, we had quite a lot of fun cause we celebrated Wei Jun's Bday at Vanessa's house, and at then we all watched "Memoirs of a Geisha" at Huimin's house. Not a bad movie afterall...
Then on 1st Feb, at school everyone celebrated Wei Jun's bday, and I believe she went home with like so many gifts...haha And I lost my temper again haiz... Maybe its cause of a mix of many factors... Sometimes I wonder if I am still the old person I used to be.
Then on the 2nd and 3rd Feb, I was kind of stressed out by logistics matters haha... As well as other matters.. Well, there were problems here and there, but regardless of the process, I was glad that we managed to fulfil our objective. Thanks logist comm and everyone who helped out!!
Today, we had MST in the morning which was organised by the PE department. Strangely, this talk was held just at the right moment after I got stressed abt personal stuff for the past 2 days. So the MST session today sort of like helped me to convince myself again on what are my goals in life, and that I must put in all the effort I can before I can actually achieve them. It was quite enlightening for me. Well, after Games Trial today, there was a lot of good feedback which helped improve the games. And logist comm will have to wait for Games comm to be done again before we update our logistics haha. Oh well, I have to return the PE logistics on Monday. I must remind myself hm..
Setting Goals is one thing,
Putting In Effort to Achieve them is even harder.
The 3 things I need to remind myself everyday...
Zhiming @ 10:30 PM.