Hi everyone! Hm... This blog has been dead for a month =p
And so I wonder how many people are still taking notice of it haha. Well, time to tell some stories I guess.
Anyways, my driving test is on next friday, waited 4 months for it. And its my third attempt. Wish me all the best. And then I'll be able to use the family car! But passing the test comes first. Plans come later of course. At least now there aren't other distractions like studies. I can 100% focus on driving without any worries. So this time I must do well!! Otherwise, I'll have to continue trying to get that license only after I finish army. Hm.... Better grab this chance properly.
Time passes very quickly when its holidays. Its 2 more months till I enter the army and start beginning another stage of life, and I suppose till then, I need to start convincing myself to do some general conditioning. Once again, action speaks louder than words. Its time to stop slacking, be more proactive and start making decisions.
In the meanwhile, at least I have once and for all, finally started clearing those anime tapes that I have recorded down on TV. And well, while organising my tapes this time round, I finally decided to do some counting in order to get a rough gauge of how many tapes there actually are.
To describe it, its a case of interest turned hobby, turned addiction, turned obsession. I guess. Hm.. I wonder if there's a difference between addiction and obsession, but I guess that's how I want to describe it.
Well, here and there, I think I have mentioned to some of my friends before that I have LOTS of anime tapes at home. And now, I finally have pictures to prove that. =p Ok I guess after seeing these pictures, many people will think I'm nuts. Want to try and guess about how many tapes there are? Take a look at the pictures first haha.
If any of you guessed correctly, it would be around 600-700 tapes! I counted up to 589 tapes but I left some out hm.. Shall count finish them another time. And amazingly, there's enough space in the room to put all those tapes inside without letting them being seen on first glance. Like in the cupboard, drawers and boxes haha.
Oh well, I think I'll just say this for now. Nothing much to say actually. Cause everyday seems quite mundane actually. =p
Take care everyone.
Zhiming @ 9:32 PM.